In this task I want to talk about what I can do for or with you.

For my musical career it was and will ever be absolutely necessary to built up connections, meet, hang out and tour with people, learn of them and give them ideas. I'm asked for different kinds of collaboration and services:


1. Playing your Bass for live-situations

Whatever kind of style, genre or constellation you want to have, I can bring the fatass or slimleg - bass directly to your group, played on electric bass or keys/synthie (see gear). Wether as MD or sideman, wether with sheets, notes or free, wether prepared grooves or self-fictional bassparts, wether in the front or in the background. Additionally I can give you background-vocals and love to dance my ass off on stage!

2. Playing your Bass for studio-situations

Wether it's a complete band-studio-situation or kind of sandwich-record from at home, just ask me to make it as desired. If you're not happy I guarantee you money back! With high quality equipment in my studio (RME Fireface 800, Ableton live 8.x,...) you will have a great sounding result.

3. Workshops

I've been giving workshops for bassplayers in groups of 2 to 11 students. Focusses have been "Groove with/against a drummer's kick", "practical theory", "Slapping", "Soloing", "useful scales", just to name a few. My book "INTERACTIVE GROOVE CONCEPT" is a solid base for tighteness and outstanding ideas in Your rhythmsection!

4. Teaching (Bass, Keys, Theory, Ears)

In the same way as I learn new things as a musician every day, I equip my students with knowledge and help, finding their unique instrumental voice. The ones, who want to become good bassplayers same way like the others, who want to become good interacting musicians, playing bass (or keys). I started with autodidactic self-education, was given an approach of classical piano/ organ education and finally the combination with my pop/jazz academic studies ( enable me to bring the maximum output of my studs, also if you just want some preparing-lessons for entrance tests at universities...

I give private lessons in Osnabrück and in Bielefeld. I'm also teacher at

5. Composing/ Arranging

I work as a composer/arranger not only in my original bands Pimpy Panda or HopfSandKoke, but also in Live&Famous, FunkIn Jections and several other succesful projects (see Bands).

If you want to stage your song with harmonies, a fat or slim groove, cheesy kicks and different sounds to transport the message or feeling you want to create, just contact me. I'm doing preproductions for bands and popular musicians/singers (see downloads) in my home studio

Butch'it (for Butch Williams)
MP3 Audio File 2.2 MB
Backingtrack for Butch.mp3
MP3 Audio File 5.4 MB